Mattress and bedding comparison website EachNight.com is looking for five people willing to take a nap a day for 30 days straight, and they’re paying each one $1,500.
The company says it’s doing research into the “pros and cons of napping,” testing theories about the best nap duration and the effects of napping on memory, motivation, and productivity.
Interested? Of course, you are. They’re accepting applications on their website through May 31; Don’t let it slip past you if you want to take a chance at a really easy $1,500.
Read below:
We are sleep obsessed, and our main goal at eachnight is to give you all the assets and information you need to get better sleep each night.
So, we wanted to test a few theories behind the pros and cons of napping to provide our community with some valuable insight. We know that in general different length naps have different benefits, but we are keen to put this to the test, and we need your help!
We are currently hiring for a team of five people to become ‘Nap Reviewers’, and get paid to nap! Also, no, we are not joking…
The team of ‘Nap Reviewers’ will need to be prepared to start work straight away, as well as being committed to napping everyday for 30 days. Applicants must be able to sleep alone during the testing period to ensure that the naps are undisturbed. All applicants must also have strong English writing skills in order to accurately carry out the reviews of their naps and follow any relevant instructions.
Applicants from all countries are welcome, but must be over age 18. Applications close on May 31st 2021.
Over the course of 30 days, our dedicated nappers will be required to take part in a variety of experiments testing out theories such as the best nap duration for feeling refreshed, the effects of napping on overall levels of fatigue, and the effects of napping on memory, motivation and productivity. The individuals will be required to take part in a video call before and after each experiment, to ensure they understand their tasks fully, and to complete a verbal questionnaire detailing their experiences and results. In return for their participation, each ‘Nap Reviewer’ will receive a payment of $1500 at the end of the testing period.