Brad Pitt Reveals His Biggest Pet Peeve

Brad Pitt Reveals His Biggest Pet Peeve Brad Pitt recently opened up about his biggest pet peeve and why it irritates him so much. Pitt said, "You know what my pet peeve – my Larry David moment – is? It’s when people are in the passing lane, and they’re going as slow as everyone in the regular lanes." He continued, "They block the whole thing, and you can’t get around. I gotta move. And when I feel trapped, I go all Larry David on 'em." He added about how he handles this situation now, "I might flick a bright. See if that gets anything. I might, like, move over into the rearview mirror a couple of times, see if that does anything." Brad Pitt is starring in Babylon with Margot Robbie. What's your biggest pet peeve? Have you ever called anyone out on this?

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